There are many benefits to contracting with Boom Insurance Agency. One of the crucial steps is to work with our Agent Managers and determine which carriers fit your business. Our electronic contracting process makes it easy and convenient. Just fill out our contracting form, submit and we will get in touch with you. Talk to you soon!

Exam FX

We believe in empowering you to reach your professional goals, so we offer a complete online training program for insurance licensing and securities exams. Our program is designed to help you succeed on your first attempt, no matter what challenges you may face. We are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way as you take the next steps in your career.

Anti-Money Laundering

It is mandatory for Life Insurance and Annuity producers to provide evidence of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) training as per Federal law. Each insurance company has its own set of AML training prerequisites for producers. Several education companies offer AML training that can be accessed. Insurance firms demand constant training in numerous cases.

Discounted E&O

Explore a variety of plan and coverage options tailored for you. If you're already covered by E&O through Boom FMO, connect with us to discover the advantages of our exclusive Plan offering!

Continued Education

Gain access to top-notch insurance continuation providers offering state-specific insurance CE courses, NEIC Annuity training, Long Term Care Insurance CE, and Ethics education.


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